Thursday, April 17, 2008

ZTI Package update leaves .$M$ file(s)

When updating the Operating System Package files in the SMS Console, you may find that the SMS source location is not updated correctly and some files in the SMS Source location with a .$M$ extension.

A check of the SMS Source directory for the ZTI image shows files with the .$M$ extension. You may also see entries in the SMS Server logs \SMS\Logs\OSDImage.log file similar to the following;

Failed to get file attributes file://%5BSMSServer%5D/%5BSMSSource%5DZTI_Master_Image/CustomSettings.ini (80070002)

The update process compares the existing file with the file from the Windows Deployment Server, in this case the source file has been removed, therefore, the process has no file to compare against. The final rename operation is then not completed. The update process copies new or updated files to the source directory with a temporary name (*.$M$).

Replace the removed file, or create a blank file of the same name. This allows the update process to compare the two files and successfully complete processing.

To permanently remove the file from the comparison process, configure the SMS OSD ZTI program, select the Advanced tab, Click the "ZTI - Validation" phase and remove the file from the file list.

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