Wednesday, June 4, 2008

GPResult.exe may not complete Group policy report

When you run "gpresult.exe /z" on a Windows XP machine, the RSOP may not complete processing.

The GPResult.exe output is incomplete.

A GPO contains the percent ("%") sign character. When the GPResult.exe encounters a % sign in the Group Policy Object, processing is terminated. The version of GPResult.exe with this issue is 5.1.2600.2180.

Typically, the % character may have been used in a Group Policy Computer startup/shutdown script or User Logon/Logoff script, to reference a local environment variable such as %SystemDrive%.

Use the Windows 2003 version of GPResult.exe, this tool is able to parse the % character successfully and completes the RSOP report. Version 5.2.3790.1830 or later of the GPResult.exe tool successfully parses the % character.

Alternatively, the GPMC console is able to generate the RSOP report successfully.

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